Thursday, July 5, 2012

HCI Kudos - Hub

The Hub

Evaluation plan for ‘The Hub’
The goal of this evaluation test is to get feedback on the prototype of the web based tool 'The Hub'. The tool allows users - typically family members - to keep in touch, organize events and share pictures and information with each other easily.
What do I test?
The goal of the test is to get feedback on the use of the prototype of the newly created web based tool called 'The Hub'. Test participants will use the core functions of the tool and will be monitored during the test. Participants will also be asked to think aloud and narrate their all their moves.
The specific tasks to be given to participants are the followings: - post status update, delete status update
- create new event, delete event
- suggest alternate date for an event

- upload a photo
- tag family members to a photo
What does the test focuses on?
Ease of use is one of the most important goals. During the test I would like to get answers to the following questions:
- is the main screen understandable at first glance?
- can users navigate between the various functions?

- do users see all the options they can do with the site?
- are users able to perform all the various tasks given to them during the test:

* create event, delete event
* post status update, delete status update * upload photo
* suggest alternate date to an event
* tag users to a photo, remove tagging

I would like to get information on wether test participant are able to use the tool the was I designed it. Certain functions are very similar to some Facebook functions, to they should be rather familiar to most of the users. If users cannot use the functions or cannot complete a task I might take a redesign into consideration.
Where and when does the test take place?
The test will take place during the week of July 2-8, in the evenings (when I have free time to do it). According to the schedule I prepared the test for each paricipant would take no longer than 15-20 minutes.
I have chosen to do the test with only 3 participants. The reason is that 3 participants is enough to get a quick feedback on the tool and also reveal the biggest issues. Once the biggest issues are have been dealt with, another round of evaluation test is to be done.
Participants to my test will be chosen from my friends, colleagues and family members.
Outline of the test T
Test participant arrives
I am introducing myself and give some information about the test.
Participant gets familiar with the tool's main page. Looks around, discover the various functions - without actually using it (not clicking on anything yet).
Participant performs the tasks, one by one. Depending on the participant's performance (speed), not all tasks will be done.
I will wrap up the session, thank the participant for the great help and say good bye. Prepare for the next participant.
Instructions to the users Introduction
- Hello, my name is XY. I am going to walk you through this test. The test is about our new web based tool that we call 'The Hub'. The main functions of the tool are to help users keep in touch and exchange information within the family.
- During the test you will be asked to perform small tasks. You can help us the most if you narrate all your actions during the test.
- It is very important for you to know that we are testing the site and not you. You cannot do anything wrong during the test.
First glance at the tool
- Please take a look at the site. Do not click on anything yet, just let me know what do you think the various elemnts on the page do. What do you think you can do on this site?
Task #1
- Now please post a status update on the newsfeed. You can help me the most if you think aloud and tell me what you are doing and why.
- OK, now please delete this very post.
Task #2
- Create a new event, whatever you want. Just add a title, a place and a date.
- Let's say the date of one of the events you would like to come to is not OK for you. What can you do? [suggest alternate date].
- You decided to not go to one of the events. Please RSVP accoedingly.
- You have just changed your mind and decided to go to that very event. Change your RSVP.
- Delete the event you created.
Task #3
- Browse the upladed photos.
- Tag users to photos. Remove tagged users from photos. - Upload a new photo to the site.
- Delete this photo you have just uploaded.

- This is it. You did very good, thank you very much for your help. We are now going to analyze all data you and other participants provided and will make changes to the site according to them.
Informed Consent Form 
STUDY TITLE: Evaluation test of the web tool ‘The Hub’
DESCRIPTION: You are invited to participate in a research study on the new web tool called ‘The Hub’. You will be asked to do some simple tasks, like posting status updates, browse and upload images, create events. The experience is very similar to Facebook. The purpose of the test is to get feedback on the tool’s usability.
TIME INVOLVEMENT: Your participation will take approximately 20-30 minutes. PAYMENTS: You will receive no payment for your participation.
SUBJECT'S RIGHTS: If you have read this form and have decided to participate in this project, please understand your participation is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. The alternative is not to participate. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Your individual privacy will be maintained in all published and written data resulting from the study.
Questions: If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this research, its procedures, risks and benefits, contact organizer of the test: [my name and phone number].
The extra copy of this consent form is for you to keep.
SIGNATURE _____________________________ DATE ____________ 


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